



1.1 规划


1.2 概念草图


1.3 3D模型




1.4 颜色与图案


1.5 最终形象

2. Pupu Aliens FRP 主题玻璃钢设计

2.1 规划 Planning


Everyone may have a childhood memory of watching a robot animation in front of the television with their friends or playing with a pla-model robot toy. At those times, kids thought of robots as their true friend. For this FRP, we planned to design a huge metal robot inspired by the robots in the old animations like'The Iron Giant' and 'Tetsujin 28-go', combining with our character IP, PUPU. And by designing the exhibition space like a robot repair factory with machineries around, we made the overall space look like a robot pla-model diorama.

2.2 3D模型 3D modeling


Based on the concept sketches, the details of the FRP were designed while making it into 3D modeling. To match the retro concept, we designed the robot PUPU as a clunky metal robot with PUPU character riding on it. And we also designed the helmet with PUPU ALIENS logo on it. By applying the helmet to all the characters, it made them look like the heros of the animation who protects the earth.

2.3 细节打造 Details

通过将玻璃钢的周边元素打造成一个机器人场景图,让整体概念进一步加强。考虑到玻璃钢旁边有DANIEL ARSHAM的展览,其展览色彩风格极简,玻璃钢的最终设计被涂成了灰色。

By designing the surrounding elements of the main FRP like a pla-model dioroma, it made the overall concept stronger. The final FRP designs were colored in gray scale considering the exhibition of DANIEL ARSHAM, which was placed beside the FRPs.

2.4 最终形象 Final Image


Thesedays, adults love these kind of retro style robot which make them bring back the memories of their old friends that they have forgot as they grew old. It maybe for the same reason that some adults collect and enjoy toys that only children enjoyed in the past. We hope that by experiencing this year’s QTX, not only children but also adults who are tired of the harsh reality will be able to return to their childhood memories and rest for a while.

3. QQfamily FRP 主题玻璃钢设计

3.1 规划 Planing


Following this year’s QTX brand concept, the QQfamily characters were designed as an engineer working in the QQfactory.


Additionally, we have set a concept for this FRP that "QQfamily characters and Dov robot work together in the QQfactory to spread good influence to the world.". In order to apply the concept to this unmoving sculpture effectively, we have designed a conveyor belt as a main structure to express the passage of time. Through this conveyor belt, we showed the progress of the QQrobot becoming alive with a warm heart. People can walk around the FRP and observe each characters which convey the brand story.

3.2 3D模型 3D modeling


First of all, the robot Dov, which takes the largest portion of this FRP set, was designed in retro style to match the concept of this year’s mascot QQrobot. And other QQfamily charaters are dressed in different costumes to avoid the characters being visually monotonous while maintaining its original shapes as much as possible. Dov is wearing a navy colored jacket with a shirt and tie as he is the supervisor of the factory, while the other two characters are wearing workware that mostly using vivid colors such as orange or lime to look like engineers in the factory. In addition, items such as helmets and tools were simplified to match the overall character design tone.

3.3 细节打造 Details


To apply the retro concept to robot Dov, metal and chrome materials were used as a whole and the details were applied referring to the robot animation of the 80s and the steampunk style illustrations. In addition, this FRP were made in a structure that can be observed from all directions along the conveyor belt, so it was designed in consideration of the situation that people see it from the side or back part of the FRP. And by adding LED for the heart, it symbolizes the good influence that spreads from the robot Dov.

3.4 最终形象 Final Image


We intended this FRP design blend in naturally with the visitors rather than being displayed independently. Therefore, the exhibition space was not separated by walls so that visitors can experience the space freely. The visitors of QTX were able to create many interesting situations, such as taking pictures next to QQ or DOV, taking a resting by sitting on the conveyor belt for a while, or playing around by pretending to take part in producing the QQrobots with other QQfamily characters.

4. 玻璃钢制作落地

4.1 泡沫雕刻 & 3D打印



4.2 翻模 & 修补打磨


4.3 喷绘上色



5. 大型玻璃钢安装



6. 最终落地效果


巨型钢铁英雄“顽艺鹅”携QQfamily和PUPU Aliens助阵QTX,顽艺工厂流水线配合紧密,有序开工;鹅厂公仔带上安全帽,握着工具的可爱模样,将QQ潮玩展2021的主题“顽鹅出厂”演绎到了极致。

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