今年儿童节,腾讯ISUX联合腾讯行政一起,以PUPU Aliens为角色形象,针对大小朋友设计了儿童节背包套装。
1. 设计概念 | Concept

For this year’s Children’s day, we have decided to make some brand products for children with PUPU Aliens characters. We hope that PUPU Aliens characters become more familiar to many children by using these products. 


We have thought of ‘Fun school life’ for the whole concept of this children’s day gift design. We chose keywords such as picnic, sports, music and art by looking back to our own childhood memories such as eating snacks or playing various games, spending the whole day in the playground, making various art crafts, and playing with various instruments.

2. 草图 | Sketch


Based on the keywords which we chose for the concept, we tried express the fun part of school life which children experience everyday.

3. 设计系统 | Design system


First, we designed the basic character design for the illustration based on the sketchs. We applied different items for each character which match the concept .

主要角色设计 | Main character design

延展图形 | Secondary graphics


We also designed various elements related to the concept which can support the main graphics.


To apply these graphics to various products in a consistent manner, we made the design system by defining the colors, layouts and patterns. 

色彩系统 | Color System

基础插图与布局 | Basic illustrations and layouts

图样 | Patterns

4. 设计的应用 | Application of design


背包&手提袋 | Backpacks & Supply bags



We designed the school backpacks and supply bags by applying the design systems above. The two kinds of color combinations were applied for boys and girls each, applying the colors they prefer.

The backpack for over 6 years old were designed to be cool and fashionable. A neutral mint and purple colors were applied for the girls and black and gray colors were applied for boys. 


The backpacks for under aged children were designed to be cute. So vivid yellow color was applied for one and mint and purple combination were applied for another version.

购物袋&时间表 | Shopping bags & Timetable sheet


Also, a shopping bag and a school timetable sheets were designed for these backpacks. All the designs follow the system guide we have planned.

便当盒&便当袋 | Lunch boxes & Pouches


We also designed lunch boxes and pouchs for children. Since the middle rounded part of the lunch box can be changeable, various character illustrations have been applied to that part for fun.

5. 最终成品 | Final outputs

节庆礼品一直以来对于品质的高要求,我们在礼品选品一开始,就确定了和品牌合作的方向。背包是Dr. Kong江博士品牌产品。Dr.Kong从健康鞋、护足配件到护脊书包,鼓励用科学健康的生活方式开启每一天的健康之旅。小童餐盒是Monbento品牌产品。Monbento来自法国克莱蒙费朗,它是轻巧有爱又环保的随身餐饮用具品牌。

6. 传播策略 | Brand Communications Strategy

宣传主题 | Theme for promotion


视频故事脚本 | Storyboard for video

孩子们兴奋时往往会跳上跳下。将其应用到“有趣的学校生活”的概念中,我们规划制作了一个宣传视频,使每个角色都明亮而快乐地跳动。视频比例设置为1 : 1,以便在社交媒体平台上共享。

Children tend to jump when they are excited. Applying this to the concept of ‘Fun school life’, a promotional video was planned which each character jump brightly and cheerfully in order. The video ratio was set to a 1:1 ratio to share on social media platforms.

主要视觉效果 | Key visuals


Based on the design system, key visuals were set. A paper textures and brush style stokes were applied to the illustrations to make the overall tone look more like a doodle to match with Children's Day concept.

视频呈现 | Final video



Just like the character Bingbong in the movie ‘Inside Out’, there are many children who remember their favorite characters of their childhood for a long time. I hope that the children who gets PUPU Aliens' Children's Day gifts will be happy and they will be able to remember PUPU Aliens for a long time as they grow older.


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