在QQxPUPUxCF 的IP合作中,最重要的是用一种完全不同的基调来将这些角色融合在一起。QQ和PUPU用的是基础的形状,CF则选择了他们的代表角色Blade, Fox和SWAT。我们分析了这些角色的特征并将他们应用到QQ和PUPU可爱而简单的基调当中。
The most important point in this QQ & PUPU and CROSSFIRE IP collaboration was to combine the two completely different characters into a same tone and manner. First, QQ and PUPU were used as a basic shape for the toy. And we have selected CF's representative characters Blade, Fox, and SWAT and analyzed the features of each characters. Those three characters of CF were applied to QQ and PUPU's cute and simple shape.
We drew an idea sketch, transforming the CF's realistic style character elements to fit the tone of QQ and PUPU. Especially when designing a gun, the sharp part was rounded to match the new character and some details were omitted to unify the whole tone.
We wanted to create a special package that can be decorated with the toy figures. The package was designed using the container box of 'Transport ship' as a design element, which is one of the maps in the game. A fun package was created that can connect several boxes side by side like a real container box to make various display effect.
此次重磅联名,最重量级的创新设计在于,每套包装盒里鹅身上的配枪可拆卸互换,两只PUPU的专属配枪可互换,QQ的配枪可与隐藏枪款互换,让每一位喜爱CF、QQ、 PUPU的粉丝在开盒过程中都充满惊喜和期待。
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